Sunday, 20 September 2020

Alusine Barrie: You Need New Glasses - Never Believe A Prophecy That Doesn't Empower You

Many of us navigate the world based on the theories others developed. 

GENIUS, this is a dangerous word. 
I consider myself somewhat stubborn in telling everyone I get to meet - friends, students, trainees, peers, colleagues etc. to never call anyone a genius because that is the easiest way of telling ourselves that what they did/are doing is 'impossible'. 

The danger is that the moment you 'believe' something is not possible, you give up all power to drive yourself to try and to persevere in the face of challenges. Now, when you try something new and it's difficult (especially in the beginning) you use the image of this person you have labelled 'GENIUS' to give yourself permission to give up on what you're aiming for. Not a good idea.

From the dictionary, the word belief "(in something/somebody) [is] a strong feeling that something or someone exists or is true;". If our beliefs are what we consider to be true (at least for us) and that they are strong feelings, and we agree that what we feel strongly about affects our day-to-day decisions, then it logical to infer that our beliefs control and shape our lives. 

Beliefs are not a bad thing on their own, they become so when they are the thing that is holding you back from reaching your dreams and goals. I am a Muslim and I fervently believe in God, but I try to use that belief each day to empower me to go after my goals and conduct myself in the world in a way that leaves as happy and fulfilled as possible. Someone else can use the same belief in God to explain why they should forever be stuck in poverty or where they are. It's all about the perspective you choose to take. 

Interestingly, if you take a little time to think about why you believe in the things you believe in you will realize that most of what you consider your beliefs are actually not your ownThe beliefs established around you are not truths, they are shortcuts developed by other people to deal with their own circumstances and desires that they have passed on to you. There's no one out there like you, so sometimes (especially with your beliefs) learn to build your own theories about how the world works using your own judgement.

Transitioning to more empowering beliefs is like navigating the world with a new set of glasses, just that this time they are clearer glasses that give you power to reach your dreams. Once you change your beliefs, you'll realize you've been looking at yourself, what you are capable of and the world with they wrong glasses. 

Don't know if you need to change your beliefs (a.k.a your glasses)? It's simple, if you feel stuck and progressing in they way you deeply know you can, then there's something holding you back. You may not see it clearly yet, but it's there. Once you figure it out (which is the first step), work to change it. You can do this by talking to trusted people, reading books - especially autobiographies/stories of people who had similar circumstances as you but worked to achieve things similar to what you are aiming to achieve.

Any other beliefs, if they don't empower you to reach your highest self, get rid of them, they're not true...

Wishing you the best in your journey of transformation. I shared this post because someone reached out to me asking how they could reach their dreams (not like I've reached my but anyways)...

Have a blessed Sunday,
Alusine Barrie.

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