Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Success is a daily experience, do not postpone it to the future.

Many of us have set up our lives such that we can only be happy in a fictitious 'one-day' place called success. Success, however, is not some place at the top of a mountain we reach and everything is over. Rather it is a set of evolving daily experiences and feelings we want to have in our lives.
While it's crucial to have goals to aspire to, you do not want to tie your current happiness and fulfilment to some fictional future. The challenge that brings is that we lose motivation in the present as we get convinced that we must shuffle away our present happiness and fulfilment to feel happy and fulfilled in the future. This makes achieving goals very difficult because achieving goals requires us to continue to be movitvated in the present. Better instead to tie our happiness and fulfilment in the small daily steps we take towards achieving our grand goals, the process. 
We don't achieve success once, dust our hands and relax on a hammock swinging in the cool breeze never to worry again. It is about enjoing every passing day, to be proud that we did our best to be the kind of person we want to be. 
You don't have to wait to be rich to make a difference in others' lives; you can give encouraging words, take a small action, pick up a phone and call to ask how someone is doing and to tell them how much you love them. 
Bring your success closer to you, to your daily thoughts, words and actions. Instead of postponing it to the future, achieve it in the small day-to-day steps you take towards your goals and desires.

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